Articles for ‘Photographer showcase and Interviews’

Jen Rozenbaum, an interview

Jen Rozenbaum Boudoir

You all remember the first interview I did with John of Hittwerk Photography?  In the interview he mentioned Jen Rozenbaum a boudoir photographer in New York City. He spoke very highly of her so I went and checked out her work. Turns out she’s not such a bad photographer and I think I wrote her shortly after and asked for this interview.

 Jen has been featured and interviewed by some very high level people like Good Morning America, Entrepreneur Magazine, Creative Live, and the list continues. Just google her name and you can see she has been featured multiple times by many different people.

 Why though? Jen was a wonderful boudoir photographer, but then again so are Sue Bryce, Stacie Frazier, Christa Meola and a whole host of others. Why or how was Jen different? After researching this photographer to the point of creepiness I think I found my answer. In one of the interviews she had done she had referred to herself as a photogratherapist. (I hope that’s what I heard) The point being is this, there are many wonderful photographers out there, but Jen connected with her clients, she listened to them, and maybe more importantly, she knew when to not listen to them. What I mean is that when one of her clients would come in with a ridiculous pose or outfit thinking it was going to work for them, Jen knew when to steer the client in a better direction. She told the client to trust her, that she did this for a living, and that she would be happy with the final images. As a photographer myself I’ve had this happen over and over and it was great to read that Jen had found a great way to deal with this issue.

I hope you enjoy the interview I did with Jen, she was kind enough to answer my silly questions and to supply some of her wonderful images. If you are a photographer and would like to be interviewed and featured on my blog please send me a message.

Jen Rozenbaum Sexy boudoir glamour

Why do you focus on shooting in tight quarters?

 Mostly because it’s what I do! My studio is in NYC and there isn’t much space here. 

Do you read the reviews on Amazon for your book? If the review is negative do you feel the urge to respond personally to the person? 

Who would leave a negative review for my book? (kidding… kinda)  😉

You’re a pretty good lookin gal, have you ever posed for your own boudoir session? Can we see?!

 Lol, thank you. yes I have had a few!

Jen Rozenbaum Boudoir Glamour Lingerie

With being an author, photographer, wife and mother, it seems as though all of your time is booked. How do you find time to work out, and what is your approach to fitness?

 I work out 4-5 days a week. It’s not an option, it’s part of my life. Yes, during some VERY busy times I cut it out. Only when I really don’t have any other time to spare (like a week before Creative Live for example!) It’s important for me to stay healthy but also to blow off steam. 

What’s your philosophy with respect to diet?

 I eat really healthy during the week. On the weekends I splurge. There has to be a balance. 

What was your reaction when you found out you were going to be featured on Huffington Post?

I’m always excited and amazed any time someone wants to feature me. 

Sexy Jen lingerie

What’s your opinion on Jewish Mysticism like the Kabbalah? 

 I don’t really know much about Kabbalah to tell you the truth! 

We see you went to University of Albany, what was your lowest moment while attending school? How did you bounce back?

The only low moments I remember were the times where I felt pressured and stressed over exams. I work best under pressure though; still do…. so I guess I never really bounced back haha. 

What type of education should beginner photographers seek out?

 I love love love the book Understanding Exposure. It’s the best book money can buy for someone starting out. 

Jen Boudoir sexy lingerie

Have your kids taken you to career day at school yet? How do you think that will go?

My kids understand what I do. I explain to them that I am helping women feel beautiful, worthy and powerful. My daughter is almost 10 and she is the one I have the most heart to heart conversations with about it. 

Do you think it’s advisable to be a multi-genre photographer? For example, trying to be a nature photographer, child photographer, and boudoir photographer?

Personally, no. I am not saying it’s not for some people. For me though, being a specialist is the most important. I wanted to focus only on what I love. 

How did you get the idea to write a book on boudoir photography?

 So I had an idea for a cookbook, I told a friend who told a publisher friend… and the rest is history. I got the idea for the cookbook when posting on social media one day. I always post all the “ingredients” that go into getting the shot. I started thinking – how is this any different than cooking? Bam. Lightbulb moment. 

Jen sexy classic boudoir

We listened to your interview on the fireside network, the most interesting thing we heard? You wear combat boots. What’s up with that?

Haha! My point was that being a woman goes way deeper than what we see on the surface! 

What’s your most memorable concert?

 I recently saw Billy Joel on my 40th bday at the last show at Nassau Coliseum before they renovated it. 

The perfect pizza gets delivered to your door, what’s on it?!

 I’m either a purest – lots of cheese!! Or I also like olives and onions. Yumm…

Your website and blog design are great. For photographers starting out how would you recommend setting up sites and blogs? Should they even do it? 

 Yes of course they should have a place to showcase their work (website) and speak their mind (blog). My advice is to keep it really simple and easy to use for you and the viewer.

Jen sexy boudoir glamour

Sigma or Nikon lenses, and why?

I use all Sigma lenses. They are affordable, quality and have you tried an Art lens?? Like Butta!! 

In high school what table would you have sat at? E.g. geek table, metal table, jock table, ect.

 I was the girl who really got along with many groups but I was a little more on the academic side. 

Do you read for fun? Who are your favorite fiction authors?

 I mostly read business books. Motivational reading. Anything I can really learn from and grow from. Right now I am reading “You are a badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life“.

Sexy jen glamour

How bad did Nightmare on Elm Street scare you when it premiered in 1984?

 Enough not to watch it!!! (I was 9)

What type of computer do you recommend for the type of work you do?

  I use a macbook pro

What’s your opinion of the certified professional Photographer CPP certification from the PPA? Do you recommend it?

Although I don’t have it – I highly recommend it!!! Why would you say no to anything that makes you better?

Jen sexy glamour boudoir

What was the first camera you owned?

Nikon D80

What kind of camera do you shoot with now?

 Nikon D3s and Nikon D750

If you could shoot with anyone in the world, from any time period, who would you choose. By the way, you can’t choose Marilyn Monroe or Harry Potter!

Good question! I would actually want to shoot the women of my family that I never got to meet and the ones that passed away since I have been born. The images I have of them are so few and far between. 

What type of lighting equipment do you use?

Natural light. Profoto B1 strobes and the TD6, Icelight, skylux and flex all from Westcott. 

Sexy glamour lingerie boudoir Jen

Bang for the buck wise, what lighting equipment would you recommend for the beginning photographer?

 The Westcott D5 kits

Have you ever been in the military?


Have you worked much in your boudoir business with military spouses?

Here and there but there aren’t too many in NYC.

Who are some other photographers that inspire you?

I gain most of my inspiration from other industries. Music, film, etc….

Sexy Jen boudoir

What type of editing software do you recommend?

I use lightroom and photoshop CC

If you answered Photoshop, what type of plug-ins do you recommend?

I have developed my own set of actions to help me edit quickly.

Was there ever a time in your time as a photographer when you were like, “I don’t think this is going to work, I think I may have made a big mistake”? How did you overcome it?

Um – often. I think we all have the urge to quit now and again. I usually just let myself be in the moment and know it will pass!

Do you ever feel the urge to punch Scott Kelby?

 I don’t know Scott, but I’d only punch him if he gave me reason to!

 Portrait of Jen Rozenbaum

Portrait of Jen Rozenbaum Taken by Mike from Allebach Photography.

That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir Instagram and Facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on 500PX, Pinterest, and Model Mayhem!

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    Hittwerk Photography

    Written on August 9, 2015 Categories: Photographer showcase and Interviews

    Hittwerk Photography, an interview with John

    Hittwerk sexy classic B&W

    Today is the first time in the 8 year history of Oni Studio that I have finally been able to interview another boudoir photographer and showcase their work on my blog. All the photos you see in this entry are Hittwerk Photography’s, not Oni Studio. I hope you enjoy the interview with John of Hittwerk Photography!

    Q. How did you get interested in photography?   

    A. I needed an Art101 class in college back in 1973.  Mary Brandon was the beautiful young teacher so Photography was a natural choice!

    Sexy nude B&W hittwerk

    Q. What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name of your studio, “Hittwerk Photography”?

    A. Kraftwerk was a very popular band back when I was in college, therefore HITT and WERK tied together my German heritage and one of my eventual businesses

    Q. What was the first camera you owned?

    A. I bought a Minolta SRT101…and still have it!

    Q. What kind of camera do you shoot with now?

    A. I use three different ones for specific types of work. I use the Olympus E3, E5 and most recently, the Olympus OM-D E-M1

    Sexy boudoir B&W hittwerk

    Q. What advice would you give a person just starting out shooting boudoir photography?

    A. Be absolutely sure you are doing this for artistic reasons, only. I say this being a man, working with young attractive women.  If you have a different agenda, get out of the business before you ruin the rest of our reputations.

    Q. You create a very sexy atmosphere when you shoot, or so it appears that way, have you ever had a client come on to you?


    Sexy red dress model hittwerk

    Q. What types of music do you play when you shoot?

    A. I allow the models / client to choose their own music. I don’t allow dreadfully depressing country music.  Most often they want me the pick some music and so far they all love the newest Pink Floyd album and David Gilmore’s  Live at Gdansk.

    Q. What is the least favorite aspect of your shoots?

    A. Wow… I’d say it’s the fact that all good things must come to an end.  Once my clients really become comfortable with themselves and me and my team, the images and emotions just keep getting better and better.

    Q. What bothers you most about your clients?

    A. I’m very selective with whom I work with, so I never have any issues with my clients.

    Sexy hittwerk nude models

    Q. If someone gave you $357,000 but you could only buy photo related equipment, what would you buy?

    A. Since I’m blessed to have pretty much have everything I need, I’d likely visit my alma mater, the University of Alabama, and we would go shopping together!

    Q. If you could shoot with anyone in the world, from any time period, who would you choose. By the way, you can’t choose Marilyn Monroe!

    A. Wow… that’s tough. As I look at my bucket list of models I’ve planned to work with, there is still one elusive model still there, Rubia Stri, from Belgium..   I think she is stunning and I know we could get some amazing images together!   I never give up…   it will happen someday!  She and I chat every morning discussing our creative work and brainstorming for new ideas.

    Sexy glamour boudoir hittwerk

    Q. Who are some other photographers that inspire you?

    A. Clarence John Laughlin, now deceased, was a huge influence on me in college. I own some of his original images and have photos of him signing my images in his New Orlean’s home.   I do a lot of ballet work and Gene Schiavone is my dance mentor.   I also invested in some of his work.  Jim Bauer in Dallas is by far to most talented glamour photographer I’ve ever known.  Jen Rozenbaum is my boudoir mentor.  She and my wife were my biggest influences to try out boudoir work.

    Q. What type of lighting equipment do you use?

    A. I prefer natural light and a reflector for my boudoir work, but I often use a fluorescent, color balanced ring light and Buff Einsteins fitted with various modifiers as necessary. I recently added some of Edward Tang’s Cheetah strobes and modifiers for my on location work.  They are amazing!

    Sexy lingerie hittwerk

    Q.  Do you think social media helps with acquiring clients?

    A. Certainly!  I never pay for advertising.  I don’t need it.

    Q.  What’s your approach to SEO?

    A. I’ve been around a long time and have significant name recognition in the field.  I don’t worry about Search Engine Optimization.  I turn away more business than I accept.

    Sexy boudoir hittwerk B&W

    Q. What’s your wildest/sexiest photography story?

    A. A few years ago I had a return client book a shoot at a home in north Dallas. It started out with her just being playfully flirtatious.  Very soon it was obvious to the whole crew that she was dead serious and very assertive!  She was 20 years old and I was almost 60!  Haha!!!   We stopped the shoot right then and talked privately.   We ended up getting a great shoot in the books and she called a few days ago to book another shoot!

    Q. Are you married? If so, what does your spouse think about your career?

      A. I’ve been married to the same creative, tolerant women for over 40 years!   She is the one who encouraged me to take my work to an edgier level and it took off like a rocket!

    Sexy boudoir model hittwerk

    Q. What is (in your opinion) the best shot you have ever taken?

    A. I can’t answer that… I love too many of them!!

    Q. When you are shooting outdoors what mode do you shoot in and why? (Aperture priority, shutter priority, etc.)

    A. I rarely venture outside since I’m located in west Texas, a very harsh, unforgiving environment. When I do go outside, I’m almost always using Aperture priority.

    Sexy hittwerk heels

    Q. What type of editing software do you recommend?

    A. I’m old school… I recently switched from Photoshop CS5 to CC.

    Q. If you answered photoshop, what type of plug-ins do you recommend?

    A. I use Nik and Topaz plug-ins quite a bit.

    Boudoir black and white Hittwerk

    Q. What type of computer do you recommend for the type of work you do?

    A. I’ve always used Dell’s and have never had any issues. Every 5 years of so I’ll work with Dell and my IT guru and we decide on a custom set up.  A week later I’m grinning from ear to ear.

    Sexy boudoir B&W hittwerk

    Q. What type of photography were you doing when you first started out?

    A.  At Alabama, my professor was also a sculpture professor. The University of Alabama and the surrounded areas are ripe with important and exciting Indian and Civil War history.  Most of my work captured the historical sites and landmarks in a very abstract, non-objective image.

    Sexy B&W Hittwerk Lingerie

    Q. How did you get interested burlesque/boudoir photography?

    A. As for burlesque, I had an awesome young assistant who was studying to be an actress. Joni asked to try a burlesque shoot one day and soon she and her mom came to the studio and Joni and I had a blast.  Her mom was so encouraging!   Now as for boudoir, I got contacted via FB by a little shy college kid who was attending a very strict religion backed university.  Her fiancé had joined the Marines and had just shipped off to boot camp.  She had a part time job at Victoria’s Secret and got the nerve to buy a few sexy pieces for herself.  My wife and I got her into the studio and gently urged her to accept her body and who she was and soon she was having a blast, savoring every moment.   She came back again for more shoots and her fiancé loved the pics she would surprise him with.  Alyssa eventually joined my team and was a huge asset in bringing in new talent!

    Sexy boudoir glamour hittwerk

    Q. What types of lenses do you recommend?

    A. Keep I mind that Olympus is a 4/3 system so the lens sized are virtually doubled.  For example, a 25mm lens on an Olympus acts like a 50mm.  I love my 25mm f1.4 Leica for natural light boudoir.  I also use an Oly 50mm 2.0, an Oly 14 – 54mm 1:2.8 – 3.5 Zoom and my trusty Oly 35-100mm 1:2.0.

    Pretty classy boudoir glamour hittwerk

    Q. What type of training or education would you recommend for an amateur photographer?

    A. READ, READ, READ!!   Look up anything Jen Rozenbaum does and learn from it. 

    Q. Anything further to add?  

    A. I tell all young photographers in training to learn another trade!  Haha!!   I see too many young photographers starve to death and finally give up because they can’t make enough money with their camera.   With another trade, they can still eat and pay their bills and hopefully have a little money left over to invest in themselves and still pursue their photography.   It is much easier to do shoots when your rent doesn’t depend on it.   Do the photography as a side job and learn from every shoot. You’ll learn a very little practical skills in a college classroom.

    I meet so many jealous new guys with cameras who can’t seem to find many models, yet they see us “old” guys with all the girls.   I assure them that at one time I was in the same predicament.  I’ve treated all my clients and models like princesses and have always gone out of my way to maintain a great reputation and maintain a strong public presence.  I do a lot of charity work and have done so for decades.  I’ve served for years for booster organizations.  I’ve been on the board of directors for various non-profits.   Over the years I’ve enjoyed meeting people, getting to know their families and their lives.  Later I watched their kids grow up and we were all friends.  As a result, now the kids are older, attending universities, planning weddings and are wanting me to work with them, be it portraiture, weddings and of course, boudoir.  Boudoir Books are in big demand and we have so much fun letting them feel sexy and free, even if it’s just for a few hours.  I’ve never had a bad review and have an approximate 90% return rate.  Normally the only ones who haven’t returned were the ones who moved away.   I have a 19 year old coming in tomorrow.  She booked me months ago and has been saving her money.   We will likely just do a cute glamour session for her.  I worked with her a few months ago in a mild pin-up shoot and her dad, a pro photographer, was there.  She decided, with his approval, that she would work with me to expand her portfolio to a sexier, but professional level.   Day after tomorrow I have a professional Russian model flying here for a return shoot (boudoir) before she flies home to Moscow the next morning.  My life is a blessing and I try to be a blessing to others.

    Model poses glamour boudoir Hittwerk

    That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on 500PX, Pinterest, and Model Mayhem!

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